This week, the Church enters into what is known as Passiontide. In these last two weeks of the Lenten Season, we focus more intently on the events of the...[read more]
I think it’s safe to say that this weekend’s Gospel passage is one of the most quoted passages of all time. As a kid, I can even remember people...[read more]
Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,The season of Lent is an opportunity to deepen our relationship with Christ and to grow in our love of God and neighbour. Through...[read more]
The United States Catholic Conference of Bishops has developed a new resource to help us pray with the weekly Sunday Gospel during Lent. The resource includes everything you...[read more]
At first glance, it can be hard to make any connections between our readings for this weekend. Our First Reading gives us the Ten Commandments. St. Paul reminds us...[read more]
A Memorial Mass will be held for Father Joe Langlois on March 9th at 10:00am at Assumption Church. Bishop Fabbro will preside. Father Joe was born in Windsor...[read more]
On this Second Sunday of Lent, the Church invites us to reflect on the mystery of Christ’s Transfiguration on Mount Tabor. If we are truly going to understand the...[read more]
Each year, on the First Sunday of Lent, we read the account of Jesus going into the desert for 40 days after his baptism. While Matthew and Luke give...[read more]
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, During Lent, we hear the Gospel call to conversion – to turn away from sin and to turn back to God with all our...[read more]
This Sunday February 11, the Church celebrates the World Day of Prayer for the sick. This day was designated by Pope St. John Paul II to encourage the people...[read more]