We’re here to help!

St. Angela Parish is a member of the Windsor Heritage Catholic Family of Parishes.

The Windsor Heritage Catholic Family of Parishes maintains a central office at Assumption Parish and a satellite office at St. Angela.

The contact information and office hours for each location are listed below.

Main Office at Assumption

350 Huron Church Road
Windsor, Ontario, N9C 2J9

Monday to Friday
8:30am to noon and 1:00pm to 4:00pm.

St. Angela Office

980 Louis Avenue
Windsor, Ontario, N9A 1X5

Monday, Wednesday and Friday
9:30am to 12:00pm

Contact Information

Phone: 519-253-2493
General Reception Email: windsorheritagecatholic@dol.ca
Assumption Parking Lot: assumptionparking@dol.ca