On 24 September 2021, at the conclusion of our Plenary Assembly, the Bishops of Canada issued a statement to you, the Indigenous Peoples of this land, acknowledging the suffering...[read more]
In Sacred Scripture, we often find that there are certain events or sayings which are repeated. This is the case with today’s Gospel, as parts of it are very...[read more]
We, the Catholic Bishops of Canada, gathered in Plenary this week, take this opportunity to affirm to you, the Indigenous Peoples of this land, that we acknowledge the suffering...[read more]
Of all the Apostles, I think Peter is the one that I can relate to the most. After all, Peter is the Apostle whose humanity is most...[read more]
As we approach Thanksgiving Day, we are given an opportunity to stop and reflect on the many ways that God has blessed us, and we give thanks...[read more]
The annual Blessing of the Pets will take place on Saturday, October 2nd at 11:00 at all three church sites. Bring your family pet for a blessing...[read more]
Do you know Bishop Fabbro’s vision for the Diocese of London? Diocese of London: Being a Mission-Oriented Church that Forms Disciples of Jesus. As we continue to...[read more]
Dear Parishioners of the Windsor Heritage Catholic Family of Parishes, Firstly, I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you all for your prayers for my brother, Brian....[read more]
One of the lessons that my parents taught me growing up was “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” In essence, don’t be too quick to judge based on...[read more]
Happy Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary! Today, we celebrate the fact that Mary, at the end of her earthly life, was assumed body and soul...[read more]