Work on the west side of Assumption Church has been complete just in time for Christmas! The scaffolding has been removed and the pews are being reinstalled....[read more]
I have a feeling that many of us, when reflecting on the events leading up to Jesus’ birth, tend to picture them through Mary’s eyes. This is due in...[read more]
Are you an immigrant student who will be away from family over the holidays? We know we are no replacement for family and close friends from your home, but...[read more]
“Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say rejoice! Indeed, the Lord is near!” These words, taken from the Entrance Antiphon for the Third Sunday of Advent, remind us...[read more]
As a choral musician, I have had the opportunity to perform Handel’s Messiah several times in my life. This piece is a wonderful portrayal of the drama of salvation...[read more]
The Windsor Heritage Family Christmas Party will take place on December 10th from 11:00am to 2:00pm at the McEwan Campus of Assumption Parish (Holy Name of Mary Church, Assumption...[read more]
We are seeking input from Young Adults in our Family of Parishes If you are between the ages of 18-35, the newly formed Young Adult Ministry Team is...[read more]
Happy New Year! Today, as we celebrate the First Sunday of Advent, the Church begins a new Liturgical Year. And yet, something seems strange with our readings: instead of...[read more]
When we think of kings, or of royalty in general, certain expectations come to mind. We expect to see a certain level of pomp and pageantry, and the royals...[read more]
Assumption CWL: It’s that time of year again! As the weather begins to change and the cold weather will be setting in it is time to remember all...[read more]