Christ is Risen! Truly He is risen! Alleluia! On behalf of the Clergy and Staff of the Windsor Heritage Catholic Family of Parishes, I wish you all a...[read more]
With the help of our feeder schools of the Windsor Heritage Catholic Family of Parishes, 500 lunch bags decorated with Lenten/Easter and Spring ‘art’ launched a drive...[read more]
There will be confession in the Rosary Chapel on Holy Saturday from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm. There will be NO regularly scheduled confessions on Holy Saturday...[read more]
The office at Assumption and St. Angela will close at noon on Holy Thursday and reopen on Tuesday, April 11th. ...[read more]
The Gospels give us several different accounts of Jesus raising people from the dead during his ministry on earth. In all these cases, Jesus restores a person to life...[read more]
Here is this week’s reflection. Every time I read this weekend’s Gospel, I am struck by what Jesus tells the disciples about the reason for the man’s blindness....[read more]
Dear Parishioners in our Family of Parishes, It was May 1, 2015, almost eight years ago now, that Bishop Fabbro appointed me Pastor of Assumption parish. I had...[read more]
To: The Faithful of the Diocese of LondonDear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Development and Peace – Caritas Canada is the official international solidarity organization of the Catholic Church...[read more]
Over the next three weeks, we are going to be reading three long passages from John’s Gospel: The woman at the well, the man born blind, and the story...[read more]
This year’s diocesan Day of Confessions will take place on Wednesday, March 29. The season of Lent is a time to be renewed and to be reconciled with...[read more]