“The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few; therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into his harvest” (Matthew 9:38).To: The Faithful of the Diocese...[read more]
For the past several years, Bishop Fabbro has consistently reminded the people of the Diocese of London that we are a missionary church, that forms disciples of Jesus Christ....[read more]
All young adults (18-35 years of age) are invited to an evening of renewal & revival of the Holy Spirit.This evening will be full of powerful music, testimony and...[read more]
As we near the end of the Easter Season, and approach the Solemnity of Pentecost, we begin to hear more about the Holy Spirit in our Readings. Jesus, in...[read more]
This July Father Maurice will return to his hometown of Houston, Texas, as the Director of the Mission office, but before he goes, we want to celebrate him and...[read more]
The first part of the Gospel that we hear this Sunday is a very common Gospel choice for Funeral Masses. It gives those who are gathered to mourn a...[read more]
Catholic Education Week 2023: We are Many, We are OneDear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, The theme this year of Catholic Education Week, 30 April to 5 May,...[read more]
I wonder what the disciples felt when they first saw Jesus in the upper room. After all, every single one of them, save for John, had abandoned Jesus when...[read more]
The altar servers ministry is currently recruiting any youth or child who wants to be a server. Anyone youth or child who has received their first holy communion and regularly...[read more]
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has developed a new resource to help us pray with the weekly Sunday Gospel. The resource includes everything you need to pray...[read more]