Last week, our Gospel ended on a very positive tone, as Jesus praised Peter for his confession of faith. This week, the tone very quickly changes. Jesus, immediately after...[read more]
Save the date for the return of the annual picnic on Sunday, September 10th from noon to 2pm. There will be hotdogs, chips, drinks, dessert, plus fun for...[read more]
The process of initiation into the Catholic Church, (referred to as RCIA for adults), or RCIA Adapted for Children, (for children yet to be baptized age seven or older),...[read more]
Who do people say that I am? Who do you say that I am?” These questions form the central theme of today’s Gospel passage. While we can easily see...[read more]
Do you wish to learn more about palliative care and Catholic Church teaching on end-of-life? The Windsor Heritage Family of Parishes invites you to participate in learning sessions...[read more]
Have you ever had an experience in your life where you have become profoundly aware of the presence of God? Perhaps it took place on a retreat,...[read more]
The parish office will be closed on Monday, August 7th. Daily Mass at Assumption will be at 0:00am. Mass at St. Angela remains at 7:00pm....[read more]
There is something profound about Solomon’s prayer for wisdom in today’s First Reading. It shows the desire that Solomon has to be a good leader and servant to the...[read more]
All members of our Family of Parishes are invited to join St. Alphonsus Church in celebrating their Parish Feast Day on Tuesday, August 1. The day will begin...[read more]
One of the big struggles often faced by people of faith is the problem of injustice in the world. If God is all-loving and all powerful, then why does...[read more]