MUSIC AND THE MANGER: FAMILY ADVENT CHRISTMAS CAROLING IN CHURCH: Join us for an hour of music, Scripture and sharing on SUNDAY DECEMBER 17 2023 at 2 PM at...[read more]
Takes place on Tuesday, December 12, 2023 at Assumption Church. 6:15 pm Holy Rosary 6:45 pm Procession of Nations 7:00 pm HOLY MASS Reception to...[read more]
This weekend, as we celebrate the First Sunday of Advent, we begin a new Church year. The word “Advent” comes to us from the Latin “Adventus”, which means “coming”...[read more]
This weekend, the Church celebrates the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. On this Last Sunday of Ordinary Time, before the beginning of the new...[read more]
Newly ordained Deacon Edward Czilli celebrated his first Mass as a Deacon at St. Alphonsus church on Sunday. ...[read more]
The Parable of the talents, which we hear in this weekend’s Gospel, is a profound reminder of our call as disciples to use our gifts for the building up...[read more]
This is your first opportunity to participate in the “Secure the Future Parish Revitalization Plan” for St. Angela Merici. This annual event hasn’t occurred for several years and is...[read more]
The Mission Club will partner with Family Ministry once more this year to host the annual Christmas Party on December 2nd, at our location at 711 McEwan.The party will...[read more]
Handel’s Messiah with the Windsor Symphony Thursday, November 30th at 7:30pm Join Maestro Jeffrey Pollock, and the WSO Chorus for a program of highlights from Handel’s...[read more]
As we near the end of the Liturgical year, the focus of our readings shifts to the end times, and the second coming of Jesus. We are told to...[read more]